Nail biting

What are the miracle cures for bitten nails?

Nail biting – also known as onychophagia – is a common behavior among children and adolescents. Sometimes it continues into adulthood. Generally, nail biting is caused by boredom, stress or excessive concentration. Often it is harmless because it simply makes the nails look less beautiful. But it can also lead to local infections if the nail is bitten too hard. So how to stop nail biting? What are the miracle

How to stop biting your nails?

What a bad habit it is to bite your nails. It’s worse for your health than you think. In this blog, I will offer you my advice on how to stop biting your nails? To overcome, there are some tips to apply to stop biting your nails: 1) Keep your nails fairly short People who suffer from onychophagia will tell you that. You don’t need long fingernails to bite them. But, cutting